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July 2018

Multilateralism for GHTC: Overview brief

Provides an overview of the opportunities and institutions GHTC targets in the multilateral arena, why GHTC advocates in that arena, and how our members and partners can participate in these opportunities.

July 2017

Return on innovation: Why global health R&D is a smart investment for the United States

Examines the impact of US government investment in global health R&D at home and abroad, from delivering lifesaving tools for the world’s most vulnerable people to generating economic and security returns for the United States.

June 2016

The 69th World Health Assembly: Background and outcomes

Provides background on World Health Assembly (WHA) operations and analysis of policy outcomes from the 69th WHA which will impact global health R&D.

June 2016

The Global Health Technologies Coalition: A case study in successful R&D advocacy

Examines GHTC as a model of coalition building in the global health space, documenting GHTC’s history, advocacy successes, and lessons learned in coalition building.

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