Doing Well by Doing Good: Why Investing in Global Health R&D Benefits the United States and the World

Doing Well by Doing Good: Why Investing in Global Health R&D Benefits the United States and the World examines how US federal funding for global health R&D is delivering impact both abroad and at home.
The report details funding trends over the past 16 years for US government investment in three broad categories of global health R&D: neglected diseases; emerging infectious diseases, including COVID-19; and sexual and reproductive health issues. It quantifies the impact of this support in advancing new technologies to approval and a burgeoning pipeline of potential products for neglected and non-COVID emerging infectious diseases, with individual case studies on the impact of US-supported innovations. Finally, it examines the broader returns from these investments, including how they drive improved research capacity and economic development in low- and middle-income countries and directly benefit the US economy by creating jobs, stimulating industry investment, and contributing multiplied impact to the economy relative to their congressional appropriations.
The report aims to inform Congress, the Executive Branch, and other stakeholders as they make policy and budget decisions that affect the future of US leadership in global health R&D.