Return on innovation: Why global health R&D is a smart investment for the United States

Return on innovation: Why global health R&D is a smart investment for the United States examines how US investments in global health R&D are delivering impact at home and abroad. It provides in-depth analysis of US government funding for global health R&D and assesses the health impact and economic returns from these investments.
The report looks at US government investment in global health R&D across agencies, including funding trends and the implications of emergency investment, and quantifies the impact of US government support in advancing new global health technologies, with case studies highlighting the health impact and cost savings generated. It also details how these investments are generating direct returns for the United States, by creating jobs and economic growth, stimulating private sector activity, saving money, and improving American health security.
The report is intended to inform Congress, the Executive Branch, and other stakeholders as they make policy and budget decisions that affect the future of US leadership in global health R&D.