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September 6, 2011

GHTC director quoted in Nature article on US budget cuts

Nature examines the impact of the passage of the US Budget Control Act, which will usher in cuts to US global health funding. GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson is quoted, noting that these cuts could slow or halt momentum in developing critically needed global health technologies.

June 14, 2011

JAMA covers GHTC policy report

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports on the release of GHTC's annual policy report Sparking innovation to save lives. The article focuses on the domestic and international benefits of US global health R&D investment and notes many of the promising US-funded technologies under development.

May 24, 2011

Roll Call publishes op-ed by GHTC director and Congressman Castle

In an op-ed in Roll Call, GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson and former Congressman Michael Castle (R-DE) reflect on the progress achieved in global health product development as a result of US investment and innovative product development partnerships, and warn that budget cuts could put this momentum at risk.

May 5, 2011

Global Health Council blog interviews Seth Berkley for GHTC blog series

In the final article in a five-part blog series to coincide with the release of GHTC's policy report, the Global Health Council's blog interviews Seth Berkley, founder of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and CEO-elect of GAVI, the vaccine alliance, about progress in HIV vaccine research and the critical role of US investment.