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October 10, 2011

Global Health R&D with USAID's Alex Dehgan

During USAID’s 50th year, there’s a lot of talk about helping women in the developing world.

October 9, 2011

Follow us in Kenya!

This is an exciting week for the GHTC. Not only are we launching our “Breakthroughs” blog, but we’re also taking off on an amazing trip to Kenya to discover how global health research is changing people’s lives on the ground.

October 2, 2011

Welcome to the Global Health Technologies Coalition’s new blog: Breakthroughs

Here at the GHTC, our team is dedicated to the idea that it’s possible to find new health solutions that will save countless lives around the world. From the first-ever vaccine to prevent malaria, to a ground-breaking gel that can prevent HIV infection, to new, simpler regimens to treat TB, we believe that science can and will deliver the tools we need to eliminate some of the world’s deadliest diseases.

September 13, 2011

GHTC director highlights infectious disease threat in The Hill op-ed

In response to the release of the movie Contagion, which chronicles a fictitious global disease pandemic, GHTC Director Kaitlin Christenson writes in The Hill about the real world threat of infectious diseases and the critical importance of investing in the development of new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other health tools to counter these threats.