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Global health R&D delivers for Iowa

US government investment in global health R&D has delivered

$38.3 million
to Iowa research institutions
450+ new jobs
for Iowa
Global health R&D at work in Iowa

Iowa State University researchers are looking for solutions to schistosomiasis, a devastating disease caused by parasitic worms. The worms can live for years in the human bloodstream, laying eggs that cause organ damage and impaired development in children. The disease is found in tropical areas, especially in poor communities without safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. More than 200 million people per year require treatment for schistosomiasis. Only one drug is currently available to fight the disease, but the parasites show signs of resistance. The Iowa team is examining the worm’s genome for vulnerability that could be targeted with new drug treatments. They’re also focusing on gene editing to make the worms sterile, thereby eliminating their ability to inflict damage.

  • Methodology
  • USG global health R&D investment to state research institutions/Top USG-funded global health R&D institutions: Authors' analysis of USG investment data from the G-FINDER survey, including funding for R&D for neglected diseases from 2007–2015 and for Ebola and select viral hemorrhagic fevers from 2014–2015. Reflects USG funding received by entities in state including academic and research institutions, product development partnerships, other nonprofits, select corporations, and government research institutions, as well as self-funding or other federal agency transfers received by federal agencies located in state; but excludes pharmaceutical industry data which is aggregated and anonymized in the survey for confidentiality purposes. See methodology for additional details.
  • Jobs created: Based on previous analysis of the economic impact of National Institutes of Health R&D funding and author's analysis described above. See methodology for additional details.
  • Case study photo: RTI Fights NTDS